Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Paragraph's attribute

The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The tag for a paragraph is <p>.
He places a empty line above and under the text to make it evident, and the browser will take it as it is.
<p> The paragraph is a base element in ... </p>
<p> This places a empty line above and ... </p>


The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The tag for a paragraph is <p>.
He places a empty line above and under the text to make it evident,
and the browser will take it as it is

HTML - Paragraph, justify

Paragraphs can be edited almost the same easy way as in a text editor. The next example is made with the help of the justify attribute
<p align="justify">The paragraph is a base element in ...</p>


The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The tag for a paragraph is <p>. his one places a empty line above and under the text to make it evident, and the browser will take it as it is.

HTML - Centered paragraph

<p align="center">The paragraph is a base element in ...</p>


The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The paragraph is a base element
in text editing.The tag for a paragraph is <p>.
his one places a empty line above and under the text to make it evident,
and the browser will take it as it is.

In this example every line of the paragraph has been centered in the middle of the giving back line.

HTML - The paragraph aligned to the right, right

<p align="right">The paragraph is a base element in ... </p>


The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The paragraph is a base element in text editing.The tag for a paragraph is <p>. his one places a empty line above and under the text to make it evident, and the browser will take it as it is.

All the lines of the paragraph had been arranged, in the upper example, to the right.

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